October’s Meeting – AGM

As Hallowe’en approaches, Gemma Hollman, who runs the “Just History” website comes to talk to us about Royalty and Witchcraft.

NB This meeting will be preceded by the Society’s AGM, which will commence at 7pm. This should last for about 30 minutes before we hand over to our speaker

Gemma published her debut book, “Royal Witches”, in 2019. The book covers four women of Royal Blood who in the 15th century were accused of witchcraft. Two of these women, Jacquetta and Luxembourg and Elizabeth Woodville, have a close Northamptonshire connection. Gemma will be sharing their stories and explaining the importance and the relevance of the accusations made against them in this earlier, more superstitious time.

Tickets available from Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/royal-witches-tickets-438932507947