

Northamptonshire Battlefields Society was formed in February 2014 in order to promote and preserve the counties battlefields heritage. The inaugural meeting took place at the Marriott Hotel which is situated on the edge of the registered 1460 Battlefield.

We bring together the local community, members of the public, historians, wargamers, archaeologists, re-enactors and academics from all over Britain, Europe and the US, but especially Northamptonshire who all share a passion for Northamptonshire’s amazing but forgotten history. Our aim, to engage in further research and to promote and protect the little that survives today.

We have also worked as consultants with both the Borough Council to develop a plan for the interpretation of the 1460 battlefield (including stands and information panels) and with Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust for their new battlefield visitor centre at Delapre Abbey.

Our patrons are Earl Charles Spencer, Lord Charles Fitzroy of Grafton Regis, Lord Boswell of Aynho, Charles Chetwynd-Talbot, 22nd Earl of Shrewsbury, whose ancestor fought and died at the 1460 battle and world famous author of historical novels, Bernard Cornwell.

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Our stand at an event


NBS has won several awards for our work on Northamptonshire’s Battlefields including

The Battlefields Trust’s Presidents Award for outstanding contribution to battlefield preservation and interpretation,

The International Guild of Battlefield Guides for  significant contribution to the craft of battlefield guiding and the wider Military History community and

The NN4 Eight Community Group for the protection of the 1460 Battlefield.

2019 Hindsight Award for Best Publication “The Battle of Edgcote 1469 – Re-evaluating the Evidence”


Our awards


We hold monthly meetings at the Delapré Abbey, Northampton, normally on the last Thursday of the month and have a wide range of high calibre expert speakers from all over the UK. Please see our news page or our facebook page link for details. They are free to fully paid up NBS members join here else £5.00. We also take our mobile exhibition stand to a number events around the country including major wargames shows, where we will normally be found with the Society of Ancients. 

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Playing the game at an event at Kettering Museum
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Our 1460 battlefield model which we take to shows etc.

The Aims and Objectives of the Society are:

a) Advance public education through the promotion, encouragement, development and dissemination of
knowledge of the battles of Northampton and their landscapes, as well as the associated wars and warfare.
b) Undertake and support research into the battles and their landscapes, the associated wars and warfare
and the publication of the results of such researches.
c) Encourage the identification, protection and preservation of such sites
d) To organise talks and courses that will provide members and the general public with relevant
information, knowledge or skills to pursue individual or group research;
e) To mount a programme of activities on topics relevant to the battlefields in the locality, the County of
Northamptonshire and further afield;
f) To arrange and lead guided walks of the battlefields;
g) To mount exhibitions of an historical nature
h) To create and maintain an internet presence including a Northampton Battlefields Society website,
Facebook page and Twitter feed;
i) To publish a range of books, leaflets and resource materials relating to the history of the battles and battlefields;
j) To act as a resource for material and information for schools, libraries, media, museums etc;
k) To extend any of the above and develop additional activities as opportunities arise.
l) To advise and assist the appropriate authorities and to co-operate with other bodies having similar interests
m) To accept gifts and grants of money and property appropriate to the work of the Society
n) To expend money on equipment, sources, resources and services in furtherance of the aim of the Society.

Our Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy can be downloaded here

Privacy Policy v2

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Arming the Knight demo at Kettering Museum
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Our stand at a wargames show

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Very interested in local history but know verylittle so looking for help, also picked up on facebook today the Raunds henge and want to know more.


    1. Hi Peter.
      Thank you for your mail. There is so much to the counties history. The website should give you a starter for ten. You can also follow Northamptonshire Battlefield Society’s facebook page. You might find the Save our Queen Eleanor Cross fb page of interest too. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1250139061774275/

      Our book on the 1460 battle might be of interest too and has a lot about the medieval history of the town.

      I have been writing articles on local history for the NeneQuirer magazine for the last year which you can find at
      https://nenequirer.com/?s=mike+ingram .

      You can find more detail of the Raunds project here

      Click to access archiveDownload

      We hope that helps. NBS meets on the last Thursday of the month at the Marriott Hotel Northampton. Why not pop along?


      Mike Ingram


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