November Meeting

Our next meeting will be held at the Marriott Hotel, Eagle Drive, Northampton Wednesday 26 November at 7:30pm. Our speaker will be Edward Dawson, the Battlefields Trust coordinator for the Magna Carta 800 Project.


At last nights AGM the following were voted onto the committee by those present:-
Chair – Mike Ingram.
Vice Chair – Phil Steele.
Treasurer – Steve Machaeson.
Secretary – Peter Brearley.
Corin Brearley, Anthony Rich, Gary Arthur and Graham Evans were also voted on as general committee members.

Andy Brockman and Matthew Ryan were made Honorary members in recognition of their support and assistance.

The annual membership fee was set as £10.00 for individuals and £15.00 for families. We hope you will all join not only to help protect the 1460 battlefield, but also to preserve and encourage further research into the counties incredible history. (Please message for address details etc.). Membership will run from 1 Oct to 1 Oct each year.